The term length of your hard money loan could be costing you thousands of dollars more than you need to be paying.
Recently, several new investors have asked us how long are term lengths are. Our standard loans last for a 12-month term. We can even help our clients refinance if they need additional time. When we’ve informed our new investors about our 12-month term, they breathe a sigh of relief.
Most hard money lenders are giving investors a tight six-month term.
We DO NOT recommend using a six-month term. Here are the TOP 5 REASONS why you should insist on a 12-month term with your hard money lender.
Most of Corridor Funding’s clients take 4-8 months to complete (depending upon the size scope of the rehab and time it takes to sell). For this reason, we give investors 12 months to complete their fix and flip project.
With a 12 month loan, you have the flexibility to hold on to the property to wait for the best offer and won’t have to take the first one that comes your way.
You could add extra touches to the property in order to increase the value of the property.
You could decide to refinance into a longer-term loan and choose to keep the house as a rental property.
Most of the time, hard money lenders aren’t even able to offer lower rates for their six-month terms. If you are stuck in a six-month hard money loan, or your hard money lender won’t do anything longer than six months, please reach out to us!